


Lawful Redress

Taking Back The Power You're Told is Yours Yet Never Is - Under Their System

Becoming a Free Person Unhindered by Slavish Obedience to Illegal Law Demands Sacrifice
I am describing everyone here. At some time or other, even now, we have all experienced and chosen to live under laws, edicts and governance that expressly in pure state, allows for no divergence from that law. We have been and continue to be, ruled and administered under a system that has no real interest in our well-being. We are as cared for as goods passing back and forth and traded - in other words these goods and chattels serve a purpose, have temporary worth, very limited in most cases and then are discarded, thrown in the dumpster of life. For as long as you comply, agree to live under that system of rule, you will suffer, be treated that way and be returned all the rewards a slave to that system is afforded.

Does that seem too harsh? If it does you are about, if you consent, to take a journey like no other and begin to open a door that will reveal truths you have never been educated to or told, even by your parents or teachers. From time immemorial it has been so. It is the nature of this power structure constructed to serve those it benefits. 

I have to say before we go on. This is a deep and powerful rabbit hole. However as with the best rabbit holes it will take you into a wonderland of truth, show you mirrors reflecting deception, lies and unreality, the like you are very familiar with. It will also illumine what is an universal and immovable truth - you are not who you believe yourself to be. The good thing is that you will, again if you consent, discover who you actually are.

If that does not set off alarm bells of "Oh, my God where is he taking me?" then you already have started the journey. Congrats!

In Any Case Dealing with Things Lawful and Legal You Need To Know:

VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: We are in no way acting or putting ourselves up as a legal entity from the point of view of offering legal advice. That is what the system purports to do under the specious banner of law. All that is laid out here is information for you to best act on, do as you will going forward - if you are prepared to consent to someone else in the legal industry representing you on anything, remind yourself you are putting yourself under the very system you intend resisting and fighting! They are part of the system you are wishing to call out. They are ultimately not your best ally and all money spent on them will be down the drain before anyone can say "All Rise!" - It is your shout, however make that shout heard properly and in your very best legal interests.

Lawful Is The Meeting Place For Change 

'Knowing your rights' is implicit in having such rights acknowledged. Ignorance in law is NEVER an excuse. That goes for you as much as those  trying to curtail your rights and freedoms. Knowing that and what you consent to is imperative. When so many, for instance, merely click through the Ts&Cs of online social environments or apps, they consent without reading the small print - that is implicit consent . At a later date complaining of this and that, well, they never did due diligence and are liable. Finding you royally stitched up is no defence. That is a very good metaphor for life lived by us all. That no one told you so, is no one else's responsibility than yours. When you were old enough you refused to enquire.  Failure to respond within a given window in law is deemed consent. This, down the line will be the major key to your own freedom, even though it has screwed you your whole life!

Knowing your enemy is as old a rule as any in war, encounter, hostile take over or government, authority or power of whatever colour.

To quote Sun Tzu "If you know your enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles"

Recognising the government, their criminal blood leeching ways to screw you left, right and every which way and then coming to realise their power is only in place through your ignorance and blind cooperation, is the single most potent platform to begin from. Any authority that seeks ascendency over you is not only impotent but also criminally treasonous, if it seeks to do you harm. The word treason will come to be found to have meaning as sharp as sharks' teeth when countering their perfidious nature. They will also be the very same teeth you employ to cut their legal carotid artery. Playing their playbook back at them will stifle all resistance. It is that powerful, and its values hand you back the power of Common Law like no other! It is all about using their Contract Law, to defeat them. Its teeth, properly served are invincible.

The legal way is not only the way they utilise, but it is also the most feared response against them. Correctly employed, they will never expect you to come at them with it. Its power in the way you utilise it, is omnipotent. It break every bone in their defence body. It will, as its outcome, make you a truly Sovereign Being against the Dark Side.
Become MORTGAGE FREE lawfully

It is important to know, learn and inwardly digest the hierarchy of power. From your present position it may look like a top heavy, in their favour, impossible summit to ascend. When ill equipped most challenges do look that way. That is why it is advised to clear, as you would your hard drive, every one of your preconceptions, assumptions and all that you have been indoctrinated into. Everything you have been taught has been wrong! Everything is upside down.

The learning curve you are about to launch onto has never been in your ken - ever before. That does not mean you will be incapable of learning through it. Quite the opposite...

I can offer you an illustrative diagrammatic of the hierarchy of legal power but that will no way ease the work ahead. What it will do, is furnish you with the knowledge that what is being initiated is utterly surmountable, ABSOLUTELY. How can I say that so assuredly? Because it has already been achieved. FACT - For anyone with desire, dedication and application you will be contesting on a playing field, at least best, equal and at default best - on a higher one!

Simply follow all the steps needed. Whenever you are presented with an edict, a notice of reprimand, fine, imposition to wear a mask take a vaccination etc, then you draw on the way of defence you learn here. Knowledge is truly power. It never needs the gravy train of legal teams, all it requires is a pen, a fearless nature and a determination to bring down false gods, power and tyranny. If you still believe that the Gates' or Rothschilds of this world are too powerful then, please go back to sleep. Your spine is still undeveloped. If you believe the opposite, then learn and learn fast and furiously. 

Develop self-belief and for your own good, get rid of all that tells you it is - Impossible - remember this is THE seminal point in history for us all. Nothing is impossible most especially when it has already been made possible - let that sink in.

By Reading, Learning Inwardly Digesting: then Reading Learning and Inwardly Digesting, then focus your attention on there being no law greater than your sovereign being. There are no failures. Drain yourself of everything you think you know, it's surplus to requirements. You need create space for it to refill with knowledge.

The way we pave the path towards a better and more equal world is first by challenging the present incumbents of power.

How do we do that without force?
Well, force is what they have trained their hounds to deal with. We take them at their own game. Contractual Commercial Law that allows us, when done to the letter, to create outcomes 180 degree different.



to give assent or approval
compliance in or approval of what is done or proposed by another


Voluntary Agreement

Goods and Chattels

Personal Property
Goods - Property in respect of commercial trade or ownership.
Chattel - Slave


A Property


A binding agreement between two or more persons or parties
to establish or undertake by contract


Legal Agreement


An Affidavit is a legal and lawful tool by which the facts are established. 



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Mass Action of Liability

Sovereign Solutions


Dump ALL of Your Preconceptions

However any of us have been brought up, educated to believe in and taught, it is a safe bet to say that 90% of that is incorrect. To carry that baggage, reassured, through ignorance, that it is the right way, is the greatest single perpetration of the greatest lie told. To then remind yourself you are the one telling it, ought that not waken you, like a hammer to the head? Sadly ego, indoctrination and refusal to see or enact change becomes the default parameter of the trapped.
We become, in short, our own worst enemy and remain mostly utterly ignorant of Truth, even though it is staring us in the face.


Get To Know Your Rights

If change is to be forthcoming it is incumbent on each of us to self educate. It is too easy in this age of social media and cod intelligence, to rant, spout and demand rights and obligations of and by others, when all the time you are trapped in a system that loves to see your ignorance of your own rights ignored. More than any other page in history we are at the unique cross roads where:
On one side having all the information and knowledge at our finger tips with the ability to making choices between our own freedom or continued enslavement
On the other happily staying enslaved.


A Lien

 The Lien process is categorically only a defence to a wrongdoing. That wrong doing must emphatically be created by one party of two. The wronged party, most preferably, holds evidence of wrongdoing caused by the other party.

The lien process can be used for any wrongdoing but it must specifically lay out the allegations of that wrongdoing every time and you can NEVER lay a lien against someone as a claim - ONLY as a wrongdoing. As long as you know the general process and adapt the text in accordance to whatever the wrongdoing has been perpetrated, then it can and does work. Yet it specifically has to be done thus every time.

A perfected Lien becomes an asset and a Commercial instrument in its own right.
The reason that there is an agreed asset and Lien Document is because the agreed debt cannot be resolved due to the lack of funds or capability to resolve the agreed debt.
Enforcing the asset becomes futile as there are no funds to settle with. But the Security by way of a lien is a Commercial instrument, in its own right that can be placed on account as cleared funds just like a £20 note can.
So why would anybody want to sell the asset or redeem this asset for less than the agreed sum.
Once the agreed security is agreed and published as a Perfected Lien then the agreed sum is in hand. The finished Perfected Lien is the Commercial instrument itself. The only reason these remedies exist in the first instance is because the Government literally steal 85% of everybody's cash by way of 500+ illegal tax points. All tax in any form is illegal and criminal, as nobody has ever agreed and signed that agreement to pay the tax, duty, VAT, PAYE, and the other 500+ instances of tax in all its forms.
Economics is an oxymoron, since there has been no money since 1869. Just paper and ink based upon confidence and belief. A Bank of England Bank Note is just that. A Note...... It never was and never will be money. There is no money..... There is no money....Without money then there can be no debt. You cannot PAY for anything without money. So if you BELIEVE that the GBP/US$/€ etc is money then fine.

Now you know how to create your own cash. It's all about control.


An Affidavit

An affidavit is a most powerful instrument, arguably the most powerful legal instrument there is. That is why lawyers and legal eagles will advise against the common person from using them. Not because they are not powerful. Absolutely because they are powerful and they themselves are petrified by them.
Also it is because their power will immediately be reversed on the user if there is a single error - then the punishment is on the deliverer, not the target.

Be warned. Make one mistake and you are doomed.

Having said that - follow what has been 100% proven to, not only work but be watertight error proof - and you will be fine.


Becoming Sovereign

Becoming Sovereign, is where you empower yourself beyond all.

Make no mistake the proof of that empowerment is in your determination and fearless nature to manifest it.
Nothing is able to stand in front of nor challenge the double edged  Sword of Sovereignty.

You will become the Grim Reaper to the Dark Side.

It is not easy. Remind yourself you are part of a mass movement to change history. That is no simple hand me down. It is the encapsulation of what freedom is, power maintains and authority establishes. You will have to unlearn everything you know. What you have been told and taught is merely programming. 

Learning mastery of self, starts with developing fearlessness.  Only by reprogramming yourself into wisdom, knowledge and self mastery will you be able to wield that sword of truth and justice.

When you do graduate you will know. There will be NO JUDGE, BARRISTER or GOVERNMENT that can stand before you or in your way. There will be no more DARK SIDE to fear. The word Fear will have no meaning. There will be a new you and the old you will be gone for all time.

You will reap the wind and the force, the knowledge will not only be your ally, it will be yours to command.

Be warned. Make one mistake in what lies ahead and you are doomed. The unlearning of the old ways is most critical. Screw this up and the pen of truth and fact you wield will be your doom. Knowledge is Power and the old ways programmed into your head are your greatest enemy. You cannot add to a glass that is already full. You have to drain that glass. Only you can do this. No one else.

At no time in the past has there been a more critical time in the history of humankind. At no time in the history of humanity has there been a Global Lockdown, an attempt to create pure, evil hegemony. This is the 11th hour and time is something we no longer have. So call ALL OTHER LIGHT WARRIORS, whoever they may be young or old and lead the charge for change.

Peace and Utopia, a real creation, if you make it so, can only manifest with many iron hands, gloved or ungloved. Arise Lions - now is Our Time!

Arise Lions!



For those courageous enough to move forward this site was created. It is not alone in offering content, knowledge and assistance to the self change and educational process, yet it is in total co-operation with all who are of like mind and endeavour. 


The Hierarchy of Legal Power

To know that Common Law is at the pinnacle of Legal Power, only surpassed by Divine Law is our armour and defence. Yet it is also important to recognise that Common Law is only as good as its Contractual Being. Because the secret is it is by contracting with the enemy, that creates the instrument for their eventual destruction.  No matter how we have been conditioned to think that Law Merchants, Corporations and Government Legal entities are almighty, we hold the golden key to the Kingdom. That Kingdom being Humanity's right to be its each and every single sovereign being. All other attempts to usurp that is criminal, treasonous and diabolical.

Hierarchy of Law

One basic tenet of Common Law is Do no Harm. When any corporation, entity of government inflicts harm then they also commit treason, become merchants of terror, thus terrorists.  They will be brought into the Common Law Courts of Justice to be read their crimes and then sentenced. When an injury, harm or injustice is perpetrated on a sovereign being, the law will bring down its full power. Standing and defending the sovereign position of the individual by an Affidavit of Obligation, we use the full power of corporate commercial contractual Agreement against those creating, manifesting and imposing their injustice. Through the subsequent delivery of damages, served through Lien, the offending party is placed under perpetual obligation to pay for their crimes. The subsequent commercial financial instrument arising, is then used to, not only repay the injured party but also to act as source for funding the collective good. As this is commuted under Corporate contractual law, itself under Common Law, there can be no redress either through any Law Courts nor through any legal loop holes, as these judgements are above all of them.

Some Insights into the Diagram Above

The pyramid of power is pretty self explanatory - see it in action from this amazing American who tested it to a conclusive win

Steps to Crushing Their System and Building Anew

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One Man Faces Off and destroys the Commercial Jackboot

30 minutes of proof we have Law, Common Law working perfectly for us. Conducted in the USA yet all Law except Common is globally based upon Cabal HQ - UK Legal Law - Admiralty Law

Dreams and Realities A book for our time


Jonathan Trapman

Jonathan L Trapman is an author, creative writer and photojournalist who has spent the better part of his 45 odd years in public life, learning from his personal experiences, sharing them, listening to others, whose lives have allowed him to open his own mind to a beauty, even within horror, that is transforming and empowering. His written work endeavours to convey, through true tales and fiction, impressions thus garnered. Dreams and Realities can be purchased (signed by the author if wanted) here.

The Freedom Cycle

© 2023 The Freedom Cycle


Address: Glastonbury, Somerset UK
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